Porsche takes steps to secure its future battery supply as the German automaker pursues its electrification focus.
The amount of battery brands that can be found on store shelves can be overwhelming, so be sure to use this guide the next ...
Investing.com -- Porsche, the sports car manufacturer, has procured a majority stake in Varta (ETR: VAR1 )’s car battery subsidiary, V4Drive Battery, now holding 70% of the shares, as revealed by the ...
BERLIN: Porsche AG agreed to become a shareholder in Varta AG, providing fresh cash to the embattled German battery maker as part of a debt-restructuring deal with lenders. Under the plan ...
Investing.com -- 跑车制造商保时捷已收购Varta汽车电池子公司V4Drive Battery的多数股权,目前持股70%。这一消息由这家总部位于斯图加特的汽车制造商公布。此次收购发生在Varta面临财务困难之际。