Leopoldo Puga, MD, FACCInterventional Cardiologist Dr. Leopoldo Puga is a distinguished Interventional Cardiologist with extensive expertise in cardiovascular diseases, interventional cardiology, ...
Rasham Sandhu, MD, FACCInterventional Cardiologist Dr. Rasham Sandhu is a dedicated interventional cardiologist and the Managing Partner at the California Cardiovascular Institute. With advanced ...
After hours: February 12 at 6:16:01 PM EST Loading Chart for DGX ...
A five-year study, called Mammo-50, that followed women aged 50 and older with a breast cancer diagnosis and surgery has been published in The Lancet. This research shows that follow-up ...
To run the app without installing, download Standalone.zip below, unzip, then run SidebarDiagnostics.exe. Please note that the Standalone build will not auto-update.
I am a 67-year-old male with generally good vision. I have had a few floaters in my eyes over the years, but they have generally been small ...
Acute limb ischemia (ALI) results from a sudden obstruction in the arterial flow to the extremity due to an embolism or thrombosis. Embolic problems result in a greater degree of ischemia than ...
After hours: February 12 at 4:41:17 PM EST Loading Chart for NVNO ...
Priorities for the diagnosis and effective management of these critically ill patients are provided.