that is in Phase 3 clinical trial for the treatment of microcystic lymphatic malformations, as well as in Phase 2 clinical trial to treat cutaneous venous malformations. It also develops QTORIN ...
Background Orbital cavernous venous malformations (OCVMs) are the most common primary orbital mass lesion and presenting symptoms are usually secondary to a mass effect. Surgical excision presents ...
Infantile hemangiomas are vascular tumors of infancy that occur most commonly in the head and neck and can cause life-threatening airway compromise. Airway infantile hemangiomas commonly occur in ...
As a curious child, you might remember staring at an older relative's thick stockings at the blue, gnarled veins lying under the skin like bumpy snakes. Known as varicose veins, these blood ...
Elisabeth Hospital Tilburg, Hilvarenbeekseweg 60, Tilburg 5022 GC, The Netherlands; The aim of this study was to describe the clinical spectrum of spinal dural arteriovenous ...