Wildlife documentary series, presented and narrated by David Attenborough, exploring the planet's oceans.
Devil’s Millhopper Geological State Park in Gainesville offers breathtaking scenery that feels straight out of a fantasy film ...
The Woods Hole Film Festival Dinner & A Movie series continues on Saturday, February 1, with the 2023 feature documentary ...
A documentary was released on 20th January to highlight the impact of trophy hunting on the few remaining ‘super-tusker’ elephants across East Africa.
Chilean screenwriter, director, and science fiction author Julio Rojas, best known for his acclaimed audio series "Caso 63" ...
Ed Miliband and Chris Stark addressed concerns that new energy infrastructure projects could effect food security and nature ...
Adele Rennie was sentenced to a third term in prison last year after it was revealed she had posed as a lawyer on dating apps.