父类引用指向子类对象称为 向上转型 。 下面的代码中,乐器类(Instrument)有两个子类:Wind 和 Percussion,它们都覆盖了父类的 play() 方法,并且在 main() 方法中使用父类 Instrument 来引用 Wind 和 Percussion 对象。在 Instrument 引用调用 play() 方法时,会执行实际引用 ...
当地时间2月26日,包括《基辅独立报》在内的多家媒体发布了乌克兰和美国即将签署的矿产协议最终文本。根据乌媒公布的文本,该协议共11点内容。 WHEREAS the United States of America has provided significant financial and material support to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale ...
In the last two articles, "Global Fund Insight (Europe): Focus on Luxembourg & Ireland" and "Global Fund Insight (India): Top ...
China is still going to be the major contributor to global growth. The U.S. and China and Europe are roughly the same size, but since China is growing faster than the U.S. and faster than Europe, ...