The Indian Railways has announced the operation of special trains between Madurai Junction and Palani in connection with the Thaipoosam festival at Palani templ ...
Federación Hípica de Castilla y León/Facebook A 22-year-old Spanish tourist was killed by an elephant in Thailand last week while she was bathing the animal at an elephant center, according to ...
A 22-year-old Spanish tourist has died after being attacked by an elephant she was bathing in Thailand. Student Blanca Ojanguren Garcia had been visiting the island of Yao Yai in southwestern ...
A Spanish tourist has died after an elephant forcefully knocked her over with its trunk at a popular animal sanctuary in Thailand. Blanca Ojanguren Garcia, 22, from Valladolid, was bathing an ...
A 22-year-old Spanish tourist died on Friday after being attacked by an elephant she was bathing in Thailand. Blanca Ojanguren García was washing the animal at the Koh Yao Elephant Care Centre ...
The death of an elephant in Jim Corbett National Park after being chased by a tiger for three days has sparked debate on wildlife predation, as experts called the incident unusual but rooted in ...
This is the horrifying moment an elephant brutally trampled its handler during a traditional Sri Lankan festival before going on a wild rampage. The Buddhist Perera festival, which took place in ...