It comes after the High Court reserved its decision on a the first of the council's legal challenges against Health Ministry orders.
Several city commissioners expressed concerns about research that suggests exposure to higher levels of fluoride can cause ...
Lakeland is just one of several other cities, such as Winter Haven, to vote to remove fluoride from its water. Bartow, ...
Camas could become the first community in Southwest Washington to reverse its water fluoridation efforts.
One of the few remaining Queensland councils to offer fluoridated water has voted to stop adding the tooth-strengthening mineral to its water supply.
The vote will take place after a public comment period near the end of Monday's meeting. People will be allowed 3 minutes to ...
And the legislature will consider bills this session to prohibit cities, counties and water districts from fluoridating. The Sun Sentinel's analysis shows that counties like Putnam, Gasden and ...
There's a bill filed that would ban fluoridation statewide. On "The Florida Roundup," Melbourne's mayor and a pediatric ...
Lakeland city commissioners on Monday voted unanimously to end the 44-year practice of fluoridating the city’s drinking water. The decision comes amid controversy surrounding potential health ...
Montreal police on Monday confirmed the woman, who had been taken to a hospital in critical condition last Thursday, died Sunday evening.
Lakeland city commissioners intend to vote on whether to continue fluoridating the city’s drinking water at Monday’s meeting. The item will appear near the end of the meeting after a public ...