China will impose additional tariffs on some products imported from the United States, effective from March 10, the Customs ...
这些任务不仅有力推动了中国经济的显著回升,还为 2025 年中国的发展轨迹奠定了积极基础。 专家们指出,中国经济具有强大的适应能力和韧性,并对中央经济工作会议之后的经济发展前景持乐观态度。 德国黑森州 European and ...
China Eastern Airlines will begin direct flights between Shanghai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on April 28. The ...
Journalists from around the world are closely following China's "two sessions" given the political event's significance not only for China but also for the world.
全国政协委员、多模态AI系统实验室主任、中科院院士乔红介绍,我国机器人技术已经得到飞跃式发展,和国际先进水平的距离显著减少。近三年我国工业机器人的装载量达到全球的二分之一以上,探月机器人带回月壤。从另外一方面说,人形机器人的技术迅猛发展。特别值得一提的是,我们构建了人形机器人大工厂这一核心技术底座,它能够快速形成低成本和相对高性能的机器人系统,服务国家的工业和农业。乔红表示,实际上,机器人系统将面 ...
"It's our turn to give seniors even more love and care." As a Chinese national lawmaker, Li Nannan has focused on improving services and policies that support the needs of the elderly.