Oman Electricity Transmission Co. has paused plans to pursue an initial public offering, and is now seeking to raise funds ...
Asyad Shipping had raised $332.8 million after offering 1.04 billion shares, representing a 20% stake. The final offer price ...
A high-level meeting between Pakistan's Federal Commerce Minister Jam Kamal Khan and Oman's Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion Minister HE Qais Al Yousif was held at the Ministry in Muscat to ...
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has offered Oman the use of Gwadar and Karachi ports for greater access to emerging markets in Central ...
Omani exports to Pakistan reached nearly OMR89 million, while Omani imports from Pakistan amounted to OMR97.6 million ...
OQ Gas Networks (OQGN), the majority state-owned operator of Oman’s gas transportation network, is currently implementing ...
Pakistan and Oman have agreed to develop joint working projects in agriculture. The consensus has been reached at a meeting ...
In the arid mountains of northern Oman, rocky caves hold pools of water.
The social market economy, first pioneered in post-war Germany, is neither a pure free-market system nor a state-controlled ...