Pectus carinatum, commonly referred to as “pigeon chest,” is a chest wall malformation in which the sternum and ribs push in an outward direction. It occurs when cartilage, the bones of the sternum ...
Four University graduate students showcased their original written works at Gallery Art Bar on Wednesday evening.
A male patient with pectus carinatum and spine scoliosis deformity presented with a 7-day history of recurrent episodes of nausea, vomiting and abdominal distention. He reported a weight loss of about ...
A Massachusetts father recalls his son's passion for model trains, inspiring his mother to write a book in his memory.
c common functions library extracted from my open source project FastDFS. this library is very simple and stable. functions including: string, logger, chain, hash, socket, ini file reader, base64 ...
In 13 patients, free of cardiopulmonary disease, who had been subjected to hyperventilation for an average of two and three-quarters hours during anesthesia and operation, spontaneous breathing ...
The prone hang exercise is a simple method to use to help improve your knee extension range of motion (ROM) after injury or surgery. Knee extension refers to your knee's ability to straighten out all ...
The word “pectoral” comes from “pectus,” the Latin word for “breast.” These crosses come on a cord or a chain and are worn close to the heart. After three years of research by those at ...