In 2024, air temperatures and ocean temperatures once again reached record highs. According to climate researchers, ocean ...
A wheeled bull figurine from 3950–3650 BC was discovered in Europe, and it is the oldest identified object that has a wheel. The origin and invention of the wheel can be traced back to our natural ...
From the 16th century onward, the best cartographers of their time crafted some of the most detailed maps of Tartaria in history. In many derogatory titles that had little to do with the actual ...
Napoleon's Grande Armée included a wide array of cavalry units, each with specialized roles and distinctive characteristics. Among the most famous types of cavalry were the Hussars, Cuirassiers, and ...
Historically associated with displeasured overtones, the image of giantesses in popular culture has evolved to reflect shifting cultural views on women's assertiveness. The name “Gigantes” is used to ...
The flamberge swords were incredibly lethal weapons, to the extent that in many armies it became customary to immediately retaliate against any prisoner found with a flamberge sword. The blade of the ...
When light-armored Thraex paired against a heavy-armored murmillo, this mimicked the fight between Roman legionaries against their enemies in Thrace. Gladiatorial fights in ancient Rome were extremely ...
The sea monks were seen as a prodigy, testifying to the singular symmetry of the world, whereby everything terrestrial has an equivalent in the sea. Drawing of a sea monk collected by Felix Platter, ...
There is a mad dash to see who can construct the highest building, and this skyscraper is just one participant. The Gulf is not the only place where the sprint to the top is being run. Japan’s “Sky ...
"Hoplomachus" is derived from an ancient Greek term meaning "armored fighter," and is associated with the Greek hoplon shield, as they were meant to represent the Greek hoplites. Hoplomachus (left) vs ...