There are several ways to find a job: networking, working with executive recruiters (headhunters) or search firms, answering ads posted on web sites or in journals or newspapers, attending job fairs ...
Letters of recommendation are required by graduate schools and fellowship programs, some internship or research programs, and some employers. Most letters of recommendation for graduate schools are ...
Come and join Raza Unida to take a break from studying for finals. We will be watching a movie and enjoying donuts, conchas, & abuelita's hot chocolate. You can bring your study materials and enjoy ...
Evaluating and knowing yourself is critical to identifying the programs providing the best fit for your career goals and aspirations. Start by discussing this with your faculty, your academic advisor ...
Dickinson College is committed to providing alumni career services for a lifetime. We are here to help alumni through all of their career transitions from changing jobs or career fields to going to ...
If your organization is a for-profit business, we strongly encourage you to offer compensation. Some form of remuneration in an internship is greatly appreciated by the student and helps to create the ...
If you would like a review of your resume, personal statement or any job search or career-related correspondence such as a cover letter or email, email request for a networking or informational ...
Over the 2020-21 academic year, the Institute of International Education (IIE) partnered with Dickinson College on a new workshop focused on inclusivity and intercultural competency. Designed to be ...
At Dickinson, we know that the traditional model of career preparedness is changing—if not already changed for good. The average worker has 10 jobs before age 40, so our focus is on providing students ...
The Career Center staff offers classroom presentations tailored to your needs. We can provide programs during your scheduled class times (perhaps as a "fill-in" when you need to be away from the ...
Looking for a job in nonprofit? What follows is a collection of web resources to assist you in locating an internship and/or job in your area of interest.