There’s nothing new about yearning for a supposed golden age, or feeling as if the present doesn’t measure up to an imagined ...
But the idea that America has a right to exert its will on the continent has deep roots both in Trump’s psyche and the ...
When drugmakers pulled the weight-loss drug fen-phen off the market in 1997, my mom was devastated. Not because the FDA ...
Trump’s war on science, however, has little to do with improving human or animal lives. He famously loves meat — especially ...
Nine countries are known to have nuclear weapons, but it is the US and Russia that still account for almost 90 percent of the ...
On top of that, California is experiencing long-term changes in its climate that are poised to expand and worsen wildfire ...
Research does indeed show that one of the greatest contributors to a happy life are thriving close relationships. If you ...
The organizations dedicated to mobilizing Gen Z got the turnout they wanted, but not the votes. What did they miss?
But in both cases, the president and his allies in Congress made a conscious choice, for good or ill. What stands out about ...
Originally, the case targeted three different bodies. The US Preventive Services Task Force (PSTF) — the fate of which is now ...
Beginning the recovery process can be overwhelming. We’re here to help.
Therefore, the way to save the country was to stop Trump, either at the ballot box or by disqualifying him, either legally or ...