The US Agency for International Development (USAID) will lay off 1,600 employees in the United States and place the majority ...
Wydarzenia from Polsat in Warsaw via satellite, in Polish, no subtitles.
Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" remained the top five at the North American box office on its second weekend, taking ...
KIEV, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky voiced readiness Sunday to step down in exchange for peace in Ukraine and the country's admission to NATO.
BEIJING, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- China on Sunday urged the United States to stop its wrongdoing in proposing to impose restrictive measures on China's maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors as part ...
小时候,我们曾以为那些故事永远不会结束。无数个假装睡着的夜晚,我们躲在被子里,偷偷翻看《哆啦A梦》。那些在课间与同学争相传阅漫画书的时光,嘈杂而令人难忘。我们用橡皮擦擦破了画纸,只为画出完美的赛亚人发型;在课本的边角画满小小的分镜,幻想着自己也能成为 ...
Tourists from a tour group, the first one from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states since China ...
2025年2月16日,中国人民银行行长潘功胜应邀出席由国际货币基金组织与沙特联合主办的新兴市场经济体研讨会,并作主旨发言。 潘功胜指出,近年来,许多新兴市场经济体在货币政策框架、外汇储备管理、债务结构等方面取得明显进展,抵御外部风险能力持续 ...
LOS ANGELES -- Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" rounded out the top five at the North American box office on its opening weekend, making it the biggest opening weekend for any Chinese ...