(美国商业资讯)-- 存储解决方案领域的全球领导者Kioxia Corporation今日宣布开发出了全新的2.5英寸规格KIOXIA LC9系列122.88太字节(TB) NVMe™固态硬盘。这是首款采用该公司第8代BiCS FLASH™ 3D闪存技术2太比特(Tb) QLC芯片打造的固态硬盘。目 ...
Well, I hope you can pony up $5,000 because that's the price the scalpers currently have them set at. Only a small increase ...
英睿达近期为其P310系列M.2 2280 PCIe 4.0 SSD推出了官方散热片版本,这一升级旨在更有效地管理SSD在高强度使用下的温度,确保性能稳定。
Radeon graphics cards, despite being technologically behind their competitors in the past, have always been popular and loved by their fans for their ...
在数字化时代,数据存储的效率和稳定性成为了衡量计算机性能的重要指标之一。随着科技的不断发展,固态硬盘(SSD)以其卓越的性能和可靠性,逐渐取代了传统的机械硬盘,成为现代计算机存储的主流选择。在众多SSD品牌中,雷克沙(Lexar)以其悠久的历史、卓越的产品性能和创新能力,赢得了全球用户的信赖。今天,我们将为大家详细介绍雷克沙最新推出的NQ710 500GB SSD固态硬盘,这款采用M.2接口、支持 ...
which is my current top recommendation for the best budget gaming SSD. We conduct extensive testing to pick out the top SSDs. A 512 GB drive may seem tempting for the money, but might not be worth ...
If you’re not using an SSD, you should be, and if you have an older model, consider upgrading to the faster speeds offered by newer models powered by cutting-edge PCIe 4.0 and 5.0 interfaces.
Dimensions (mm) 312.60 x 221.00 x 16.90 338.00 x 237.00 x 18.90 ...
这次业界首个 PCIe 6.0 互操作性演示中最引人注目的一点是,演示中使用的美光 PCIe 6.0 数据中心 SSD 实现了高达 27 GB/s 的性能,美光称“可能是迄今为止速度最快的 PCIe 6.0 SSD 演示”。 据IT之家此前报道,该 SSD 宣称的顺序读取速率可达 26 GB/s,如今实测又有提升。
产品:1tb ssd 1tb ssd固态硬盘玖合固态硬盘 铨兴1TB SSD固态硬盘售价309元,下单即可领取满100减10元、满200减20元、满300减40元 ...
铨兴1TB SSD固态硬盘售价309元,下单即可领取满100减10元、满200减20元、满300减40元优惠券,实付仅需237.46元。方面,这款固态 ...
Storage technology continues to evolve, delivering faster speeds, greater efficiency, and more compact designs. NVMe SSDs remain the go-to choice for new systems, offering blazing-fast performance ...