Daisy Jones & The Six premiered nearly two years ago, but Suki Waterhouse is still firmly planted in her ’70s glam rock era. Yesterday, the singer, actor, and model faced the frigid New York ...
One 1980s track by David Bowie seemed to channel Led Zeppelin as it was likened to the band's breakthrough opus, 'Dazed and Confused' when played live.
They keep the live music industry humming, and their ranks might contain more Medicare-eligible employees than any other segment of the music business. Kevin Dugan, 70, has been working with the ...
The Drowns will perform at The Brickyard on September 10 of this year. The group will be bringing their blue-collar brand of rock'n'roll to the Carlisle venue. Tickets cost £15 and are available on ...
Paul Weller joined Absolute Radio’s Danielle Perry to discuss his favorite songs through the decades. The 66-year-old musician emerged in the late 1970s with The Jam and was central to the mod revival ...