The best 85-inch TVs aren’t just big, they offer an immersive home theater experience and are packed with some of the most high-end TV tech. However, you’ll need plenty of space and a serious ...
When you think of the best K-dramas, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Under the Queen’s Umbrella, and Little Women may be on your radar. But there's also a rich K-drama history to explore. To discuss ...
It looks gorgeous at even larger TV sizes, but if you want to go beyond that there are some incredible 8K TVs out there. You won't find any OLEDs at this resolution just yet, but there are some ...
Here’s how it works. Key upgrades include beefy video features such as 8K open gate video recording (coming via a firmware update soon), plus 32-bit float audio recording through an XLR adaptor ...
There's something interesting — and, some might say, depressing — going on with 8K TVs. They're arguably the most future-proof displays you can find in the market right now, offering you ...
The 8-8-8 rule proposes equal allocation of your day into three parts: 8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep, and 8 hours for leisure activities. This approach enhances productivity, health, and ...
The electoral collapse of the British Conservative party in last year’s elections was matched by extraordinary breakdowns in discipline, a new book reveals. European Editor at Large European ...
One small step for man, and an even smaller step for Bigfoot. A new bill in California’s state legislature seeks to recognize the elusive Bigfoot as the state’s official cryptid. The ...
Have you ever picked up a keyboard and felt like it could do some serious damage? The Lemokey L5 HE 8K, built with a fully metal frame, is probably the most dangerous keyboard I’ve ever wielded.
三星推出了The Premiere 8K,这是全球首款获得8K协会(8KA)认证的投影仪。尽管已经有超过70款来自主要电视品牌的平板显示器型号获得了认证 ...
The variety of K-pop concepts is part of what makes the music videos so entertaining, but there are some themes that pop up again and again. One that’s guaranteed to be gorgeous every time is ...