Amul, renowned for its clever and timely topicals, paid a heartfelt tribute to the legendary tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain following his passing. The topical, released shortly after the news, ...
The best known name in the Indian dairy sector is Amul. But the chances of Amul becoming a listed company is next to none. So, how does one take exposure to the dairy sector? Through a listed company?
(Amul) for a 5-year period till 2029-30 after the board meeting of GCMMF held at the end of November. GCMMF (Amul) is India's largest Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) enterprise, with an annual ...
India’s biggest diary brand Amul is planning to launch its products in Europe by the end of this month, managing director of the company and Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Jayen M ...