The Andaman population of 19,000 shows an increase ... On the other hand, in the Nicobars, where there has been little disturbance with the natives or their tribal systems, the aboriginal ...
Study warns of threat to native biodiversity from invasive Brazilian plant Ruellia elegans in northeastern India.
The Andaman cobra isn't simply unusual—it's a living mystery. To be found only in the isolated Andaman Islands, this mysterious snake has been able to stay one step ahead of scientists, earning itself ...
North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands with an area of 59.67 km square in the Bay of Bengal (located west of the southern part of South Andaman). Location of North Sentinel Island ...
The 1956 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Protection of Aboriginal Tribes Regulation prohibits entry within five nautical miles of the island to safeguard the tribal community from the risk of mainland ...
"Island by Sujit Saraf explores the ethical dilemmas of anthropological interference in a darkly humorous journey into the ...