Ukrainian military intelligence said back in June that Russia had moved parts of the experimental system to Crimea. Russia lost a significant number of its tanks and armored vehicles in the ...
an unidentified man stood in front of a row of tanks near Beijing's Tiananmen Square — and became world-renowned as the "Tank Man." On June 4, 1989, the Chinese government ordered the military to ...
While the Department of Defense acknowledges there’s “no room on base,” the “military continues to push its housing requirements outside the fence.” This according to Guam-based Think Tank Pacific ...
New tech will make tomorrow’s wars more dangerous to troops, Army says New sensors and long-range weapons may force the service to rethink doctrine." Sam Skove, Staff Writer The goal of 100K ...
It took German industry an eyebrow-raising 19 months to refurbish and deliver the first 58 of at least 155 Leopard 1A5 tanks a German-led consortium has pledged to Ukraine. But the three-country ...
Staff Sgt. Clyde Choate was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions defending a German tank attack during WWII. (Source: Military Times Hall of Valor) By the time the United States entered ...
The growing territorial gains of the Arakan Army, and its seemingly undeterred momentum, have raised questions about the rebel group's ultimate goal. Since Myanmar's military staged a coup and ...
(Sgt Kourtney Nunnery/Army) Soldiers with the 10th Mountain Division, which is currently deployed in Romania, recently became the first Army unit to field the service’s newest reconnaissance drones.
“In addition to political and economic measures to contain Russia in the Arctic, unfriendly states are increasing their military presence in the region,” said Adm. Aleksandr Moiseev, who took ...
Ukraine has received armored vehicles and tanks from its supporters, plugging them into its existing forces. From the U.S., Ukraine received 31 of the U.S. Army's Abrams main battle tanks ...
Military technology grew by leaps and bounds ... silent stealth battle tank South Korea’s Hyundai subsidiary Rotem had unveiled its vision for the future of main battle tanks, hydrogen-powered ...
"Protect your tanks urgently to avoid losses in potential near-future conflicts, taking into account our experience." The US Army is monitoring developments in Ukraine closely and working to apply ...