A thoughtful approach to orchestration to future-proof your automation strategy can drive meaningful change and business ...
Microsoft Visio makes it easier to turn complex data into eye-catching visuals thanks to this impressive $235 discount.
If it were, millions of songs, self-help books, paintings, and poems wouldn’t exist. While the pain of a breakup is universal, fortunately, you won’t feel sad forever. But exactly how long does it ...
It’s natural to feel helpless when a friend mentions suicide, however indirectly, but there’s a lot you can do to help. In fact, your compassion and support could make all the difference.
This medicine may be one of the best tools doctors have to fight the fentanyl crisis. Preparation of a dose of Buprenorphine, an opioid that can be administered to people with opioid-use disorder ...
zoom Set the zoom level. Default is 'fit-viewport'. 0.0 - 10.0 x Set the x coordinate, if a zoom value is set. 0 - ... (default: 0) y Set the y coordinate, if a zoom value is set. 0 - ... (default: 0) ...
This project is designed to deliver different BPMN modeling distributions. Instead of creating custom Modeler implementations based on bpmn-js, choose one of the existing packages to mirror the ...