Shah Rukh Khan's epic response to a fan teasing him at an event is now going viral on social media. Watch it here!
Khloe Kardashian took to social media to share adorable glimpses of her daughter True and niece Dream’s “night routine” post-dinner. The girls busted dance moves while the proud mom cheered!
Bestselling author Colleen Hoover sparks debate after announcing her upcoming book release! Known for her emotionally ...
Mark Zuckerberg became the center of attention at Donald Trump's inauguration, but not for the reasons one might anticipate!
Kudos to NSAI Board Member Jessie Jo Dillon, longtime member Jessi Alexander and other nominees for boycotting SPOTIFY's Songwriter of the Year party ... been filling user playlists with ...
A playlist manager for foobar2000, using Spider Monkey, to save and load (auto)playlists on demand, synchronizing, ... along many more utilities.
The comebacks of popular K-pop groups such as BTS and BLACKPINK are generating plenty of buzz, but it is unclear whether these comebacks will be enough to reverse the slump in album sales or if K ...
The K-pop juggernaut BTS is reportedly gearing up for a monumental return in 2025, much to the excitement of their global fanbase, ARMY. Speculation about a new album release and a celebratory ...