微软近期在其Bing搜索引擎上推出了Bing Image Creator的重磅升级,目标是为用户带来更加迅捷、高效和优质的图像生成体验。这一系列更新的最大看点无疑是新的DALL-E 3 PR16模型,它实现了图像生成速度的飞跃提升,提升幅度达到近一倍!与此同时,生成的图像质量也得到了显着优化,让用户的创作作品愈发生动和逼真。这一技术革命无疑点燃了用户的创作激情。
IT之家 12 月 19 日消息,Bing 官方博客昨日(12 月 18 日)发布博文,宣布 Bing Image Creator 迎来重大更新,带来更快速、高质量的图像生成体验,并简化了创作流程,让用户随时随地都能轻松创作。
微软旗下的Bing搜索引擎近日宣布对其图像创作工具Bing Image Creator进行了重大更新,旨在为用户提供更加高效、便捷且高质量的图像生成体验。 此次更新的一大亮点在于Bing Image Creator采用了全新的DALL-E 3 ...
宣布 Bing Image Creator 迎来重大更新,带来更快速、高质量的图像生成体验,并简化了创作流程,让用户随时随地都能轻松创作。 更强大的生成模型 ...
If you also have trouble creating AI images, then there is good news for you. Microsoft has released a major update for its ...
Microsoft also introduced a redesigned Bing Image Creator homepage with option to switch between Light and Dark mode.
Microsoft has rolled out exciting updates to its Bing Image Creator, making it faster, easier to use, and more accessible ...
with an icon in the top-right corner that lets you chat with the AI companion. One option is to click "Try now" underneath the heading "Bing generative search," located directly below the general ...
Built into the revamped search engine is Microsoft's AI chatbot, Copilot, which can perform a number of tasks the old Bing never dreamed of, like suggesting recipes, writing poems, conducting ...
Microsoft recently released the Bing Image Creator, an AI-powered tool for making pictures on the Bing browser. It uses OpenAI's DALL-E deep learning model and allows people to create pictures ...
After pressing the ‘Create’ button, it will take Bing Image Creator around 10-20 seconds to generate AI images for each prompt - You will receive up to four different AI images for your prompt ...