Qigong, a traditional Chinese practice combining gentle movements, breathing, and meditation, was assessed for its impact on biopsychosocial outcomes on veterans with chronic low back pain. The study ...
His unique journey from an IIT Bombay graduate in Aerospace Engineering to a spiritual sage has captured the imaginations of millions. Abhay Singh hails from Haryana, and his academic achievements ...
“A facelift for the Model 3 comes just in the nick of time to nudge it back ahead of rivals” There can’t be anyone who doesn’t know what a Tesla is: it’s incredible how the startup ...
Filmmakers like Andrei Tarkovsky, Theo Angelopoulos, Béla Tarr, and Ingmar Bergman elevated their movies into profound meditations on humanity and its myriad spiritual ways of interacting with the ...
This is no longer the case. Although we still have a major role to play, it is time we recognize our fullest potential and claim what is rightfully ours as spiritual human beings. A spiritual ...
International (MNN) — As they look to a new year, many Christian entrepreneurs around the world lack the investment capital needed to start or sustain their businesses. Christian microfinance ...
In a recent interview with Charisma Media, Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church offered his perspective on the spiritual trajectory of the coming year, calling for both vigilance and unity ...
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The Tesla Model 3 is the first vehicle built on Tesla's third-generation platform. It aims to reduce the entry price for electric vehicles while not making any compromise on range and performance.