Parshah Yitro is replete with spiritual jewels we could discuss. Among the treasures here are learning the names of Moses’ ...
Dr. Tzvi Novick points out in an insightful article in the Times of Israel (May 25,2023) entitled “Standing Under Sinai: On the Origins of a Coerced Covenant” that a famous rabbinical Midrash ...
What would you say about the Israelites in Egypt? When God was raining down those plagues on Pharaoh and his people to force ...
OP-ED. The philosopher, a descendant of Holocaust survivors, expresses his indignation at the suffering inflicted on Palestinians and the refusal, by Netanyahu's government and some Israelis, to ...
The solution they came up with is famously stated in the Declaration of Independence: “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” This revolutionary truth, combining human reason and divine revelation, ...
Shady areas in landscapes and gardens require plants that need or tolerate shade. If you need ideas, attend the class “Some Shady Characters: Annuals and Perennials for Shady Sites” on Sunday, Feb. 16 ...
Rashi, explaining the view of Rabbi Nehemiah in the Talmud [1] that they spontaneously sang the song together, says that the Holy Spirit rested on them and miraculously the same words came into their ...
Michelangelo’s Moses has more in common with C.S. Lewis’s Mr. Tumnus than the casual viewer might expect—namely, a couple of ...
The Qur’an contains 99 Arabic names (attributes or character traits) for the multifaceted essence of the one God, but not one of them connects the one God with one people, while one of the dozens of ...
Download and save the PDF to your computer Open the downloaded PDF in Acrobat Reader 10 or later The t2200 form must be completed by employers in order for their employees to deduct employment ...
Per ardua ad astra, through adversity Jews reach the stars, and with luck often Venus, although Mars is thought by the ...
A Hamptons vacation and a prank gone wrong anchor Burke’s new book, “The Note.” It started with real life. The travel writer and essayist discusses his new book, “Aflame,” about his ...