综合路透社和彭博社报道,巴西农业部星期三(1月22日)发布声明称,中国海关总署在对货物的例行检查中发现了农药和害虫,因此暂停从涉事的五家巴西供应商进口大豆。 巴西农业部并未透露涉事的公司名称。路透社引述消息人士说,自1月8日起,巴西已暂停Terra Roxa Comercio de Cereais、Olam Brasil和C.Vale Cooperativa Agroindustrial三家公司对 ...
China, the world's biggest soybean buyer, has stopped receiving Brazilian soybean shipments from five entities after cargoes ...
This June, Cargill inked a co-operation agreement with the United Nations World Food Programme aiming to help corn growers in northeast China better cope with risks and promote sustainable farming.
China the world largest soybean importer has temporarily suspended shipments from five Brazilian firms due to plant health ...
Sousa, who took over as president of Cargill’s Brazil operation last December, said he does not see any immediate risk of an interruption in Brazil’s trade with China, however. He noted ...
U.S. producer Cargill Incorporated (“Cargill” or “Petitioner”) filed a new petition against imports of erythritol from China, alleging that the imports are dumped and unfairly subsidized.
The nuggets will be supplied by U.S. agribusiness Cargill Ltd and will be sold at only three outlets in China in Shanghai and the southern cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen between April 28-30 ...
China's suspension earlier this month of Brazilian soybean exports from five companies after cargoes did not meet plant health requirements will last two months, a top Brazilian agriculture official ...