斯特拉博則提到阿爾卑斯地區温德利西亞人的一支叫“Brigantii”。 Celtic Ireland in the Iron Age. WesleyJohnston.com. 24 October 2007 [2016-09-26] 比布拉克特战役(英語:Battle of Bibracte)是公元前58年,赫尔维蒂人部落与凯撒麾下的六个军团之间发生的一场战斗。这是高卢战争中 ...
Set during the Gallic Wars (58-50 BC), this real-time strategy game, enriched with roguelike elements, challenges players to battle against other Celtic tribes in search of a new homeland.
Kelheimers back then It is possible that this was the central settlement of the Vindelici, a Celtic tribe based in the nearby oppidum of Manching. Alkimoenis thrived iron. The surrounding soil is ...