One thing is universal: whether they are growing coffee or cocoa, rice or corn, all parents want their children to get the best start in life. Unfortunately, child labor – legally defined as work that ...
Bartlett, Christopher A., Vincent Marie Dessain, and Anders Sjoman. "IKEA's Global Sourcing Challenge: Indian Rugs and Child Labor (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 906-415, May 2006. (Revised ...
Still, this galvanizing employment trend seemingly has an underbelly, as the recent boost in child labor law violations ... an economics professor at Barnard College, told the Post.
The phenomenon of child labor is inextricably linked to education. Children who have no access to quality schooling often enter the workforce, particularly if they are from poor families that need ...
Of nearly 250 million children engaged in child labor around the world, the vast majority- 70 percent, or some 170 million-are working in agriculture. Child agricultural workers frequently work ...
Stop Child Labor Coalition, a program initiated by UNICEF ... Sarika Pruthi is an Associate Professor at the Lucas College & Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University, where she ...
One was a surge in child labor, as employers brought in the cheapest labor they could find during a tight job market. The Labor Department reported in October that it had found 5,792 minors who ...