As night fell across a nature reserve in China, a “large” creature emerged from the forest and climbed onto an old house.
In the Chinese Zodiac, there are 12 signs, each of which is represented by an animal - and legend has it that people born ...
The date of Lunar New Year differs every year and in many cultures, each year is also associated with an animal from the ...
The Chinese New Year is approaching and with it a new animal from the Chinese zodiac will take the place of the dragon.
The Chinese Lunar New Year falls on the 29th of January this year (2025) The heart of the city will come alive with vibrant ...
Semisulcospira egretta, named after the city bird of Xiamen, the egret, was discovered by researchers in a stream during a ...
An elderly couple from Sichuan, China has captured the hearts of animal lovers with their heartwarming story. In a video ...
The palm-sized animal was uncovered in Hualongdong cave, where scientists are studying the humans who lived there 30,000 ...
This year is the year of the Wooden Snake. Based on Chinese belief, luck is best for people who were born in the years of ...
Chinese zodiac, or shengxiao (/shnng-sshyao/ 'born resembling'), unlike the general zodiac, is represented by 12 zodiac ...
LUNAR NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS: Dear Asia in Aldgate, which teaches Japanese, Korean and Chinese language, hosts two Lunar New ...