Catch Anthem Lights, a vocal powerhouse band from Nashville, on their Icon Tour! Known for their epic mashups and stunning harmonies, they’ve earned a massive following with over 9 million collections ...
China has made significant progress in pursuing sustainable development and human rights protection in recent years, experts ...
大众汽车 ( Volkswagen )与其在华合作伙伴中国第一汽车集团公司 (China FAW Group co.)将推出11款针对中国市场量身打造的新车型,以捍卫其在中国的市场份额。
得益于中国政府为刺激国内需求而采取的措施,今年前两个月中国经济活动大多好于市场预期。 国家统计局周一表示,中国1-2月社会消费品零售总额同比增长4.0%,高于去年12月3.7%的增幅。社会消费品零售总额是衡量消费的主要指标。
This intelligent parrot waits faithfully by the window daily, rushing to greet his "brother" after school. The second he spots the boy, wings flutter wildly with joy at once!
记者: 据报道,菲律宾防长称,中国在争议海域咄咄逼人的“侵略行为”是菲国家安全的最大威胁,菲将与安全盟友携手反制中方任何“侵略企图”,并采取措施对抗中国在南海设立防空区或限制飞行自由的任何企图。请问发言人对此有何评论?
Meng Lei, China equity strategist at UBS Securities, said investor confidence in the capital market is also recovering, ...
习近平总书记强调,要加强人工智能国际治理和合作,确保人工智能向善、造福全人类。2024年9月,中国政府在人工智能能力建设国际合作高级别会议上宣布实施《人工智能能力建设普惠计划》,围绕全球南方普遍期待的“五大愿景”,开展“十项行动”,旨在弥合数字和智能 ...
China hopes that the incoming government in Canada will adopt a positive and pragmatic approach toward China, a foreign ...
China's Consumer Price Index (CPI) decreased 0.7 percent year-on-year while the Producer Price Index (PPI) declined by 2.2 ...