"They really captivate you. It's like they are filling a natural need for high drama," says Zhou Yuan, founder and CEO of the ...
China's biggest hit of all time has given the Beijing film industry fresh optimism, but economic headwinds and shifting Gen Z ...
Ne Zha 2 is a Chinese animated film that surpassed the biggest films to become one of the Top 5 highest-grossing titles of ...
中国动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》(简称《哪吒2》)在印度尼西亚雅加达舉辦首映禮,現場熱鬧非凡。記者在首映現場看到,觀眾席座無虛席,片播放期間,觀眾席多次爆發笑聲、掌聲和驚嘆聲,甚至有年輕觀眾在觀影後走到《哪吒2》海報前錄製視頻,熱情推薦這部電影。 Indonesian audience Sarah shared her experience, saying it was her first time ...
3月12日,在泰国曼谷暹罗百丽宫,人们打扮成《哪吒2》中的角色与电影展板合影。中国动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》12日晚在泰国曼谷举行首映活动,并于13日在泰国院线正式上映。不少泰国观众及电影业人士在观影后表示,这部动画电影故事情节生动、特效制作精良,堪 ...
Chinese distributor Hishow Entertainment is launching a marketing, distribution & exhibition programme, We Love Cinema, to ...
Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" has become the first non-Hollywood film to exceed US$2 billion in global earnings, ...
While Weibo and other Chinese social media platforms continue to generate congratulatory content about the animated ...
F ilm-makers in China have long tried to find the secret sauce for movies that wow audiences while pleasing the Communist Party. The epics that evolved became known as zhuxuanlu, or “main melody” ...