Taking a combination birth control pill with a lower dose of estrogen may reduce symptoms like headache, nausea, water ...
Some women are concerned about how contraceptive pills could be affecting their mental health. Are these fears backed up by ...
but doctors advise women against stopping birth control Contraceptives such as the combined pill could double the risk of heart attacks and strokes, a British Medical Journal (BMJ) study has found.
Most birth control pills (combination pills ... If you aren’t producing enough progesterone, for example, your cycle could be a few days longer. With the pill, there’s no more guessing ...
The study found that while the risk of strokes or heart attacks remained very low, the rate increased compared with those who did not use any.
For example, when she analysed the health records ... to receive an antidepressant prescription after starting the combined pill compared to those who did not take the pill. For those on the ...
Depo-Provera is injected into the muscle or another subcutaneous area. There are two types of hormonal birth control pills—combined birth control and progestin-only pills. The combined birth control ...
Using hormonal birth control methods, such as "the pill," may increase users' risk of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks, ...