Introduction to Global Literature, the program's core course, introduces you to the diversity of approaches possible within the field. Uniquely, the course focuses on acquiring the research and ...
Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 57, No. 3, SPECIAL ISSUE: The Eighth Sino-American Symposium in Comparative and World Literature (2020), pp. 464-474 (11 pages ...
Comparative literature is theoretically and methodically grounded literary research ... Ample attention has been given also to the traditional study of history, with particular focus on classic ...
The Comparative Literature and Culture Program engages the study of literatures and cultures within and across national boundaries. It comprises the comparative analysis of literary and cultural texts ...
You will become acquainted with the theory and practice of comparative literary and cultural studies, consider how concepts of national cultures cross ... You could choose to follow a 'literature', ...
The Program in World Literatures (formerly comparative literature) enables students to learn languages and engage with at least two literary and cultural traditions studied in their original languages ...
This lecture situates world literature studies within the most recent global paradigms in various fields of the humanities, in particular the emerging movement of "comparative studies of the premodern ...
In the first two years, you will study core units, such as: Comparative Literature: What is it and how can we practise it? Introduction to Visual Cultures Popular Representation and Institutions of ...
The Department of Comparative Literature at Queen Mary ranks among the leading centres for research and study in Comparative Literature in London. The Department has an active and flourishing research ...
Seven speakers from across campus, including World Languages, Literatures & Cultures, Journalism, Communication, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, and Computer Science were on the panel.