Rhea Kapoor once again showcased her impeccable fashion sense as she styled her sister, Sonam Kapoor, for the prestigious Paris Fashion Week. Sonam Kapoor recently graced the Elie Saab Haute Couture ...
Sonam Kapoor dazzled at Paris Fashion Week, wearing an all-white ensemble from Elie Saab's Fall 2024 Couture collection. Styled by Rhea Kapoor, the outfit included a chic knit sweater, skirt, and ...
For starters, the first 10,000 fans through the doors at Bridgestone Arena will receive a mini vinyl record coaster featuring the design. Fans can also bid on the player-signed jerseys through the ...
Although still not a default practice, crossplay has grown considerably in popularity. Nowadays, cross-platform games are not unheard of, which makes sense since these titles rely on having active ...
Rescuers down under. What about an alien on Earth? Yes, Disney did that, too. Lilo & Stitch came at the end of a run of success for Disney’s traditional animation, but it was still part of that.
The iconic one-liner, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” — the answer being, “To get to the other side” — is more than just an anti-joke, turns out. It’s been cooped up for far ...
While on a class trip to the historic Ein Karem village in Jerusalem, Israel, a 10-year-old discovered an unexpected surprise. Nehorai Nir was picking edible plants with his class and believed he ...
train_y_2 = list(0 if y in [5, 7, 9] else 1 if y in [3, 6, 8] else 2 for y in train_y_1) test_y_2 = list(0 if y in [5, 7, 9] else 1 if y in [3, 6, 8] else 2 for y in ...