The browser choice screens enforced by the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA) are having a noticeable impact on Firefox's ability ...
As consumers increasingly demand more features in smaller devices, the need for compact components like this MCU has become ...
The EU must adopt a balanced regulatory approach that encourages risk-taking in the tech sector, write Kent Conrad and Saxby ...
Anton Paar is proud to announce the release of Lovis 2001, a state-of-the-art rolling-ball viscometer, designed for ...
(吉隆坡12日讯)外资今年从马股撤资的步伐未停止,上周五(7日)的累积撤资额突破60亿令吉之后,仅过了2个交易日就扩大至70亿令吉。根据大马交易所统计,外资昨天(11日)净卖4亿4600万令吉马股,本地投资机构和散户分别净买3亿9600万令吉和500 ...
Apple and Meta are reported to a receive modest fine from EU regulators over their alleged violationof the DMA.
The EU will announce fines for DMA violations for both Apple and Meta, but reports say the penalties will be modest.
According to a media report, "very serious" violations of EU law by Apple are to be punished comparatively mildly. Billions ...
(法兰克福11日讯)据消息人士指出,美国的苹果和Meta将因涉嫌违反欧盟的数码规定,面临“温和”罚款。这两家公司自去年以来,成为欧盟执委会的箭靶,因为它们涉嫌违反《数码市场法》(DMA),可能遭公司全球年销售额10%的罚款。该DMA规定在2023年5 ...
Tech giants Apple (AAPL) and Meta (META) are set to face modest fines from the European Union (EU) for breaking the Digital Markets Act (DMA), ...
Once again, Apple will be facing fines from the European Union for breaking Digital Markets Act rules, but the fines will ...