Finding an unfamiliar collection account on your credit report is almost always an unwelcome surprise. After all, having any debt in collections can have a big impact on your finances — and it ...
A key federal funding commitment has been renewed that's at the heart of making possible North Carolina's ground-breaking ...
These rules, established by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), exist to protect you from harassment while allowing legitimate debt collection efforts to proceed. The law strikes a ...
Debt is not always a bad thing, especially in business. Debt provides liquidity to the financial markets by giving borrowers access to the capital they need. Individuals, businesses, and ...
A debt validation letter is a notice debt collectors must send to help you determine that a debt actually belongs to you. Many, or all, of the products featured on this page are from our ...
Victims often report that scammers harass them or their family members for weeks or even months, both at home and at work, trying to get them to pay a debt ...
Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images National debt is an extremely important issue for many American voters, and plays a significant role in their choice of president. This begs the question: how much of ...
Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. You’re ready to tackle your debt and have a plan to save more and reduce your debt: Pay down the balance with the highest interest ...
Most credit companies and banks will want to see a death certificate to close out an account, then handle debt collection accordingly. We recommend executors of estates obtain multiple copies of ...