Family donates brain dead woman's organs in Kerala, benefiting needy patients in Mangaluru through successful transplants.
Prasanna A V, aged 59 years, presented with history of weakness and seizures on March 7. On investigation at Indiana Hospital ...
Her admission ECG was negative, and she was taken for a CT scan of the head. The scan showed a diffuse SAH with intraventricular hemorrhage (Fisher grade III). Based on her clinical presentation ...
To be screened eligible for enrolment, patients must meet all inclusion criteria and no exclusion criteria. Patients with contraindication or known objection to blood transfusions SAH due to causes ...
Cardiopulmonary dysfunction also may manifest following SAH as abnormal ECG readings that may show bradycardia, cardiac output prolongation, diffuse S-T changes, and ventricular ectopy (Zaroff ...
An uncommon complication of brain cancer is bleeding within the brain (called an intracranial hemorrhage) which can lead to a hemorrhagic stroke. This is a relatively rare situation but one that is ...
The main reasons for disability and death in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) may be early brain injury (EBI) and delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). Despite studies reporting and progressing ...
All SNPs that passed the genome-wide significance threshold of P<5×10 −8 are reported. The number of cases and controls reported are the numbers used to the reported association statistics. These ...
All ruptured aneurysms were treated within 24 h of hospital arrival. External ventricular drain (EVD) was placed by neurosurgery service for the patients with symptomatic hydrocephalus or diffuse SAH ...