POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Commonly involved areas of the skin include the abdomen, axilla, paws, ears, and the face. There may be eye discharge and sneezing. Food sensitivity may additionally cause changes in stool or vomiting ...
Vaginal itching has many possible causes, ranging from common yeast infections and irritants like soap to skin conditions, vaginitis ... If estrogen levels drop, whether permanently or temporarily, ...
Many people across the world suffer from the extremely common hair problem, which could be aggravated by a vitamin deficiency - how to check ...
Buy a large bottle of moisturizing cream (such as Eucerin). Avoid those with fragrances. Put the cream on any dry or itchy area 3 times per day. After warm water baths or showers, trap the moisture in ...
Best probiotics for dogs and why they need them according to a vet - Keep your dog smelling sweet and their good bacteria in ...
Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that result in skin irritation and inflammation. The most common form of ...
A nail grinder that’s extra quiet, so it’s perfect for dogs who get spooked by regular clippers The ChomChom, a popular pet ...
Pets are cherished members of the family, and it can be heartbreaking to see them unwell. While professional veterinary care ...
“Additionally, dry skin often exhibits flakiness, redness, peeling, increased fine lines and wrinkles and itching.” It’s important to note that these symptoms can persist throughout the year ...
A pair of comfy period-proof underwear designed to hold two tampons' worth of blood A pumice stone to remove limescale, hard ...
2025 — Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that manifests itself mainly with skin symptoms (dryness, itching, scaly skin, abnormal patches and plaques). It affects about 2% of the population and ...