传奇影业旗下以知名游戏《 魔兽世界 》系列为背景打造的同名电影《魔兽世界》今日在官网正式确认首波演员名单,包括《禁运品》班佛斯特(Ben Foster)、《维京传奇》崔维斯费米尔( Travis Fimmel)、《碟中谍4》宝拉巴顿(Paula Patton)、《波斯王子:时之刃》托比凯伯(Toby Kebbell)、《 环太平洋 》中饰演父子档儿子的罗伯·卡辛斯基(Rob ...
The overall arc for the trilogy would have seen "the fulfilling of Durotan’s promise to give his people a new home," according to Jones. Claiming Metzen "took it very personally" before he left to ...
The first thing that fans do after watching an epic movie is to fire up the internet and search for similar films. That's the kind of experience that only a great piece of visually stunning, well ...