Patients colonized with AMR pathogens showed high risk for infection with the same pathogen for up to 2 years, indicating a time window for decolonization interventions.
16 FMT facilitated MDRO eradication, as compared with that observed in the controls, and reduced subsequent urinary tract infections caused by ESBL-E. This reduction in infection rates might be a more ...
为解决发展中国家手术部位感染(SSIs)相关数据匮乏问题,埃塞俄比亚 Arba Minch General Hospital 研究人员研究 SSIs 流行、微生物谱及相关因素。发现 SSIs 患病率高且耐药严重,该研究对防控感染、合理用药意义重大,值得科研读者一读。
为解决荷兰 - 德国跨境地区 MDROs 防控指南不一致问题,来自多机构的研究人员对比相关指南。结果发现两国在 VRE 和 MDR Enterobacterales 防控上差异显著。该研究对优化跨境防控策略意义重大,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。