The start of the Lunar New Year began on Jan. 29, celebrating the year of the snake. What snakes can you find throughout Ohio ...
The sound of a rattlesnake's shaking tail can evoke a visceral response of fear in almost anyone. But in reality, snakes like the eastern massasauga have more reason to fear us than we have to fear ...
The eastern massasauga is a small rattlesnake that was once widespread and common but is now threatened in approximately 75 percent of its range. It is protected in every state or province where it ...
He was back at Space Farms feeding the snakes, including the eastern massasauga rattlesnake that bit him, on Thursday, he told "You know, it's part of the job," he told Patch. "That's what ...
30 when he was bitten by an eastern massasauga rattlesnake, a species not native to New Jersey. He was bitten on the middle finger of his left hand. Getting bitten by a venomous snake in New ...
On Thursday, he was back at Space Farms Zoo and Museum in Wantage and had resumed feeding the snakes, including one that bit him — an eastern massasauga rattlesnake, he said. The eastern ...
Blackbrook Audubon introduces nature enthusiasts to “Venomous Snakes of Ohio” by Doug Wynn at its monthly program meeting at 7 p.m. Jan. 21 at Penitentiary Glen Reservation, 8668 Kirtland-Chardon Road ...