In a tragic incident that has come to light from Punjab's city of Chandigarh, an 11-yr-old boy identified as Shahbaz died after a toy train reportedly over turned in Chandigarh’s Elante Mall.
Chandigarh: A 4-year-old girl suffered minor injuries when a suspended light fixture fell on her head at Elante Mall in Industrial Area-I. The incident took place while the child was dancing ...
Th Police conducted a bomb mock drill at Elante Mall ahead of Republic Day to check the preparedness and coordination amongst ...
Looking for some best places to visit in Chandigarh that don’t require spending money. Then here is a list of the best places ...
Elante Mall is a well-maintained and very popular shopping destination here in Chandigarh, which sees a massive footfall on a daily basis. Here you can find numerous branded showrooms, a haven for ...
In this episode of #TheGreatGame, The Tribune’s editor-in-chief Jyoti Malhotra speaks about the importance of Chandigarh shedding ... English daily in North India, publishes news and views ...
CHANDIGARH: In a freak accident, an 11-year-old boy died after a toy train he was riding on at Elante Mall in Chandigarh overturned. The police have identified the deceased as Shahbaz Singh.