UCSC scientists have used CRISPR to develop programmable embryoids that can be used to study early embryo development and improve fertility.
Surviving extreme conditions in nature is no easy feat. Many species of mammals rely on special adaptations called daily ...
In their latest study, published in Nature Aging on March 7, first author Lorna Jayne, Hrvatin, and colleagues show that inducing a prolonged torpor-like state in mice slows down epigenetic changes ...
Epigenetic regulators alter gene expression ... Resar and her team studied two mouse models with Apc mutations, the most common colon cancer-linked mutation in humans. Developed by co-author ...
Transposons, so-called jumping genes, are a threat to genomes, so plants work hard to prevent them from mobilizing and re-inserting into the genome. Spirodela polyrhiza, the most ancient member of the ...