In his book The Mathematical Universe, mathematician William Dunham wrote of John Venn’s namesake legacy, the Venn diagram, “No one in the long history of mathematics ever became better known ...
A new ransomware campaign encrypts Amazon S3 buckets using AWS's Server-Side Encryption with Customer Provided Keys (SSE-C) known only to the threat actor, demanding ransoms to receive the ...
Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-AMOLED-1.8 is an ESP32-S3 development board with an AMOLED display and AI audio support fully housed in a plastic enclosure. The most interesting feature of this devkit is its ...
The target is Amazon S3 buckets and the attack uses AWS’ own encryption to make data virtually unrecoverable without paying the attackers for a decryption key, said a report by researchers at ...
Tactility is an operating system that runs on the ESP32 microcontroller series. Created by Dutch software developer, Ken Van Hoeylandt (also known as ByteWelder), Tactility is a project one year in ... is part of the BGFG family of websites. Our mission is to provide you with great editorial and essential information to make your PC an integral part of your life. You can also follow ... is part of the BGFG family of websites. Our mission is to provide you with great editorial and essential information to make your PC an integral part of your life. You can also follow ...
This repository contains the scripts that produce the libraries included with esp32-arduino. Tested on Ubuntu (32 and 64 bit), Raspberry Pi and MacOS. Install the ...
ESP32_Display_Panel is a library designed specifically for ESP SoCs to drive display screens and enable rapid GUI development. Users can develop on multiple internally supported development boards ...
SD cards have long been a favorite with microcontroller hobbyists. Cheap, readily available, and easily interfaced, they remain a staple for small projects that need to store a lot of data. Now ...
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