特别重要: 1,esp32一定要买esp32 wrover e类型的,4m或者8m都行,其他型号未测试过不保证没问题。 2,上传代码时,需要先用镊子等工具将boot引脚接地,再连上usb转ttl上电,不然没法进入下载模式,上传完后断开。 其他: 1,元器件注意根据原理图进行购买 ...
!注意:请使用浏览器自带下载,迅雷等下载软件可能无法下载到有效资源。 0603B104K500NT贴片电容精度:±10% 容值:100nF 额定电压:50V 温漂系数(介质材料):X7R 材质:X7R点击下载 MBR0540肖特基二极管直流反向耐压(Vr):40V 平均整流电流(Io):500mA 正向压降(Vf ...
The Indian e-commerce industry is projected to reach US$ 325 billion by 2030, experiencing significant growth. * Third-party logistics providers are anticipated to manage approximately 17 billion ...
Data Sheet is a free, daily Fortune newsletter that decodes the day’s most pressing news about the business of technology. Each weekday, Fortune Brainstorm editorial director Andrew Nusca and ...
Fortune’s Term Sheet newsletter covers the latest news, insights, and analysis on private equity, venture capital, start-ups, mergers and acquisitions, high-value deals, and the dealmakers ...
124 Years of the Australian Stock Market A breakdown of the Australian stock market’s historical returns since 1900. Presented in an easy-to-digest visual layout. Updated October 2024.