在 Excel 的江湖里,数据查找那可是一门必修课。 而 Vlookup 就像是一位老牌大侠,在 Excel 数据查找界称霸多年,只要一提到数据查找,很多小伙伴第 ...
An curved arrow pointing right. VLOOKUP is one of the most useful functions in Excel. You can pull specific data out of huge data sets with a simple formula. Just watch. Produced by Sara ...
As a long-term Excel enthusiast, I have always enjoyed using VLOOKUP, one of Excel's best-known lookup functions. However, Microsoft's introduction of XLOOKUP in 2019 changed everything.
An curved arrow pointing right. Once you have mastered VLOOKUP in Excel it's time to move on to INDEX/MATCH. This formula combination gives the same results but without the problems of VLOOKUP.
Read: How to delete Multiple Rows in Excel in one go ... For more complex data retrieval, you may use the VLOOKUP function or a combination of INDEX and MATCH functions. Sangeeta holds a ...
One key area of focus is Excel’s formulas and functions. 25 Must-Know Formulas and Functions highlight crucial functions like VLOOKUP, IF, and INDEX. Understanding and applying these formulas is ...