Febuxostat is available as 40- and 80-mg tablets. The recommended starting dosage is 40 mg orally once daily. If serum uric acid concentrations are not less than 6 mg/dL after two weeks ...
近年来,宣称“治痛风”“降尿酸”功能食品非法添加案件不断增多,危害群众身体健康,必须重拳出击严惩重处。总局组织河北、浙江、广东等省市场监管部门查办宣称“治痛风”“降尿酸”功能食品非法添加非食用物质系列案,发现犯罪分子在食品中非法添加非布司他新型衍生物 ...
Current first-line therapies like allopurinol and febuxostat can be very effective ... hit a target uric acid levels in the blood of 1.5 mg/dL or lower for at least 80% of the sixth months ...
The goal of treatment is to reduce levels of uric acid in the blood below the 6 mg/dl threshold, but in some cases, current drugs like allopurinol and febuxostat aren’t able to achieve that ...