In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
This lush foliage plant has a wealth of varieties – find the perfect fern for you With their tightly curled croziers and distinctive leafy fronds, members of the fern family are unmistakable.
They diversified into many of the modern fern families and species during the “great fern radiation” of the Cretaceous period, from 145 to 66 million years ago. Like the clubmosses (see Plant ...
“We see very few conifers or angiosperms or anything like that,” she adds, leading researchers to dub the layer the fern spike. Ferns aren’t any better preserved in the fossil record than other types ...
Ferns are very sensitive to fertilizers, and giving them an abundance of macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, or ...
Like most ferns, its fronds originate from a central ... which is an organism that grows on the surface of another plant.) There, its fronds often grow over 2 feet in length, but your houseplant ...
All varieties like a soil that’s rich in organic matter, as this helps to retain moisture while improving drainage. Water your plants well in the first year when they're establishing. Which? Gardening ...
Ferns have a brilliant way of reproducing. They don’t produce seeds like flowering plants, but instead grow a completely new, independent plant called a gametophyte. If you look on the underside of ...
Transform your fern collection into a lush oasis for free. Deer-resistant and shade-loving, ferns add a whimsical allure to any garden. As one of the oldest plant groups on Earth, these hardy ...
Unlike many other ferns, this one does not spread. In the home landscape it is useful as a specimen plant in moist areas such as rain gardens or swales. Its large urn-like shape and orange spore ...
Keeping these delicate plants happy can be pretty tricky ... The key, then, is knowing exactly what asparagus ferns like when it comes to water, light and humidity. And that’s where this ...