The brown body has distinct, blurry streaking above and below. She lacks the distinct pale eyebrow found on the male. Identifying the male and female house from other Carpodacus finches requires care.
Natural selection at its most powerful winnowed certain finches harshly during a severe drought in 1977. That year, the vegetation withered. Seeds of all kinds were scarce. The small, soft ones ...
Purple finches are a deep cranberry or raspberry color on most of their body. Male house finches are more orange and red with the color concentrated on their heads and chests. Females are more ...
At our cabin in Pebble Creek Valley north of Silverthorne, located at 9,450 feet in elevation, we have several platform ...
The Grants study the evolution of Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands. The birds have been named for Darwin, in part, because he later theorized that the 13 distinct species were all ...
The different finch species on the islands are closely related to each other, but show wide variations in beak and body size and feeding behaviour. In particular, changes to the size and shape of the ...