Now available in English, the authoritative work on ordinary Jews in France during World War II. Renée Poznanski presents an extraordinary panorama of Jewish daily life throughout France during World ...
was convicted of antisemitism several times for calling the Nazi gas chambers a “detail” of World War II history. Now the ...
(JTA) — A French Jewish organization is raising funds to ... in hundreds of Jewish refugees being sheltered during World War II at St. Martin de Vesubie,” BNVCA wrote in a statement.
“Modern Jewish thought” is often defined as a German affair, with interventions from Eastern European, American and Israeli philosophers. The story of France’s development of its own schools of ...
around 9,000 French police officers participated in the ‘round-up’ of non-French Jewish men, women and children across Paris. The French Prime Minister, Pierre Laval, had previously agreed to ...
While the party has worked to shake off links to Holocaust-denial, some French Jewish ... used to exterminate Jews were "just a detail in the history of World War II". Marine Le Pen has strived ...
In a poll (French) from September, 91% of French Jewish students sampled said they ... to universities that for decades after World War II had been the main vehicle for upward social mobility ...
After World War II, Memmi studied philosophy in Algeria, when it was still part of France. He continued his studies in Paris, married a non-Jewish French woman and settled with her in Tunisia.
“They arrested people simply because they were born Jewish—That French people should do that is still beyond me, even 60 years later.” – Michel Muller Jews from France who were non-French ...